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Heating and Cooling Tips for Oil City, Pennsylvania Homeowners

  • By Stewart Drilling LLC
  • 10 Jan, 2018
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Heating and Cooling Tips for Oil City, Pennsylvania Homeowners

Are your energy bills on the rise? Oil City, Pennsylvania homeowners often cut back on their budgets during the summer and winter months, as excessive energy use can easily cause a spike in your utility bills.

The good news is that you don’t need to suffer with a home that’s too hot or too cold—and you certainly don’t need to live with pennies in your bank account. These heating and cooling tips can help your Oil City home stay at a comfortable temperature all throughout the year:

1. Check for Energy Loss in Your Home

Regardless if you’re using geothermal heating or a standard HVAC system, your home won’t stay comfortable for long if you’re losing energy in the home. Unfortunately, there are many cracks and crevices where energy can easily escape, leaving you with less money in your bank account.

For example, up to 25% of your energy is lost through the walls of your home—especially if your walls are not insulated. This makes for an easy escape route for warm or cool air to make its way outside.

In addition to your walls, you also lose around 35% of energy through outdated doors and windows.

2. Use Ceiling Fans to Your Advantage

Ceiling fans are a cheap yet effective way to help control your utility bills during the summer and winter. During the summer, set your ceiling fans to rotate in a counterclockwise motion. This helps draw cool air from the floor and distribute it throughout your home.

During the winter, set your fans to rotate in a clockwise motion. This has the opposite effect, where it draws warm air from the ceiling and helps keep you more comfortable.

3. Consider Geothermal for Heating and Cooling

Geothermal heating may not be as conventional as the standard HVAC system or even boiler heat, but it’s beginning to trend in popularity around Oil City. This is due to its energy saving capabilities and its unique method of keeping your home at a comfortable temperature throughout the seasons.

Geothermal heating works by using the Earth’s energy to naturally heat your home, rather than forcing warm or cool air through vents. The best part about it is that geothermal heating won’t make your energy bills skyrocket, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn how affordable heating and cooling your home can be.

Contact Stewart Well Drilling LLC for Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling

If you’ve had it with high energy bills, contact Stewart Well Drilling LLC to discuss geothermal heating for your home.

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

What Should Oil City, PA Homeowners Know about the Geothermal Heat Pump Tax Credit?


Tax season is here and there are still a few weeks left to take advantage of some lofty credits available to Oil City homeowners. For the last several years, the IRS has allowed numerous tax breaks for homeowners who upgraded their home with energy efficient appliances and units. Windows and doors were a popular upgrade choice, but this credit expired at the end of 2016 and it was capped out at $500 per household.

What is a Geothermal Heat Pump?


A geothermal heat pump is a very cost effective way to heat and cool your home. It is similar to an ordinary heat pump, but it uses energy from the ground instead of the air. It provides heating, air conditioning, and hot water to your home.


While the upfront cost for a geothermal unit is more than a traditional HVAC system, it’s one of the most efficient and comfortable heating and cooling technologies available today.

All About the Geothermal Heat Pump Tax Credit

The good news is that geothermal units can give homeowners a significant tax break this year—in fact, it’s a much bigger break than what you’d receive with upgrading your entry door or replacing a few windows.


The geothermal heat pump tax credit offers homeowners a 30% break on their taxes. This means that 30% of the cost of your new geothermal unit is deducted from your taxable income. Since geothermal units are a large investment for a lot of homeowners, this can result in a significant tax break for those filing in 2016.

Missed the 2016 Tax Credit? You Can Still Save Money


If you missed the geothermal heat pump tax credit after the December 31, 2016 deadline, not all hope is lost in terms of saving money. The good news is that homeowners can experience significant energy savings with this technology all throughout the year. You’ll enjoy a home that’s more comfortable during the summer and winter months, and you won’t need to worry about skyrocketing utility bills draining your bank account.


Stewart Well Drilling installs energy efficient geothermal units for heating and cooling. Contact us today for more information by calling 724-658-4488 or e-mail us at

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

What Happens During Wintertime Well Drilling in Oil City, Pennsylvania?


Winter in Oil City, PA is notorious for freezing temperatures and excessive amounts of snow. If you take a shovel to your yard during the dead of winter, you’ll quickly discover that it’s very difficult (if not impossible) to get your shovel through the ground. However, just because it’s winter doesn’t mean that well drilling comes to a stop.


Even though that winter isn’t the best season for residential well drilling, the good news is that it can still be accomplished when you use services from Stewart Well Drilling.

Winter Well Drilling in Oil City


When homeowners call us to help with residential well drilling in the winter, the equipment used is exceptionally capable to cut through the toughest earth—including gravel. Even though the ground may be frozen several feet below the surface, this typically doesn’t present an issue for a professional well drilling contractor.


When we anticipate drilling through frozen ground, well drillers will typically choose between fixed or rotary cutter drill bits. The choice depends on how hard the ground is at the drilling site. These drill bits are extremely sophisticated and quite expensive, but they are designed to cut through frozen ground during the winter time.


One of the primary issues of well drilling in the winter is the air temperature. Well drillers will work out in conditions that are quite cold, but the project may be placed on hold if the wind chills are too dangerous. Otherwise, your residential well drilling will be carried out as normal.

What About Frozen Well Water?


The water that is accessed during well drilling is found in the water table. The table is typically found way below the freeze line of the ground surface and not impacted by outdoor temperatures. This is because it’s protected by many feet of soil and solid rock.


However, issues may arise when water makes its way to the surface. The problem stems from the piping that makes its was through the ground to your home can freeze. However, hot cords can be wrapped around these pipes to prevent freezing and keep well water flowing freely.


Stewart Well Drilling is experienced with residential well drilling in all seasons in Oil City, Pennsylvania. Contact us today by calling 724-658-4488 or e-mail us at

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

What is an Alternative to Gas Heating Systems in New Castle, PA?


Summer is coming to a close and the hot summer season will soon be behind us. As New Castle, PA homeowners prepare for the cold months ahead, there are often a lot of questions asked about the best way of heating your home. Many homeowners are looking to save money on utility bills, but they don’t want to break the bank with expensive options such as gas heating systems. Is there a better way to heat your home?


The Downfalls of Gas Heating Systems


Although popular, gas heating systems aren’t necessarily the best choice for heating your home. For example, these heating systems require ventilation equipment to dispel of toxic gases. Unfortunately, choosing gas heating systems opens the door of possibility for CO2 to enter your home, which is produced in the system during the combustion process.


If there is any problem with your gas furnace, it may result in a CO2 leak. CO2 poisoning is no laughing matter. According to the US National Library of Medicine , CO2 poisoning may cause convulsions, coma, and death.


Furthermore, gas heating systems require a lot of maintenance to ensure they are properly working.


Considering Geothermal Heating and Cooling


Although it’s not the most mainstream option, there is no denying the benefits of geothermal heating to keep your New Castle home warm. This option may cost more upfront over a traditional gas furnace, but the savings are tremendous as the seasons go by.


During the coldest times of year, a geothermal unit pulls liquid heat from the ground. The heat is then forced through a forced-air or hydronic system. The big difference with geothermal heating vs. gas heating system is that it does not burn fuel for warmth. It uses energy and resources within the earth to help heat your home.


Geothermal Heating and Cooling is Exceptionally Energy Efficient


If you’re wondering if geothermal heating is an efficient way to heat your home, the answer is undoubtedly yes. This is because the ground temperature is typically around 50 degrees Fahrenheit all year along. This means that a geothermal unit will use considerably less energy than a gas furnace.


How much will you save on your energy bills with geothermal heating? While there isn’t an exact answer for every homeowner, you can save anywhere between 30 to 60 percent  on your heating bills.


If it’s time for you to do away with your gas furnace, consider replacing with a geothermal heating and cooling system. Contact Stewart Well Drilling with questions at 724-658-4488.

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

What is a Geothermal Heat Pump? A Guide for Oil City, Pennsylvania Homeowners


When you’re looking for energy efficient ways to control the temperature of your home, you’ll ultimately end up discovering the geothermal heat pump. A geothermal heat pump is one of the best ways to keep your home more comfortable here in Oil City, but many homeowners don’t fully understand what it is and how it operates.


Whether you’re in the first stages of research or you’re trying to decide if geothermal heating and cooling is right for you, here is how the geothermal heat pump works in your Oil City home:

A Quick History of Geothermal Heat Pumps


Geothermal heat pumps—which are sometimes referred to as GeoExchange—is a ground-source or water-source heat pump. These systems have been in use since the 1940s and use resources in the earth to help regulate air temperature in a building or a residential home.

Why is Geothermal Heating and Cooling so Energy Efficient?


Even with extreme seasonal fluctuations here in Oil City, the ground remains at a relatively constant temperature several feet below the surface. The geothermal heat pump takes advantage of this occurrence by exchanging heat with the earth via a ground exchanger.


Geothermal heating and cooling units with water-source pumps can heat, cool, and supply hot water to your home. This bypasses the need to use a traditional HVAC system, since the geothermal heat pump works to keep your home at the indoor temperature of your choice.

What are the Types of Geothermal Heating Systems?


There are four main types of geothermal heating systems here in Oil City.


Closed-Loop System:  This system uses an antifreeze solution through a closed loop that is buried underground or under water.


Horizontal:  This is perhaps the most cost effective choice for homeowners looking for a geothermal heat pump. In some circumstances, the cost can be reduced by using a slinky method in the piping.


Vertical:  Vertical geothermal heat pumps are most common for schools and buildings. These are used when the soil is too shallow for trenching.


Pond or Lake:  If there is a pond or lake nearby, this is another low-cost option for geothermal heat pumps. The supply line is run underground at least 8 feet underneath the surface to prevent freezing.


Open-Loop System:  This option uses a well or surface body water in exchange for heat. This option is only used when there is an adequate body of clean water nearby.


Hybrid systems also exist where the unit uses a combination of different resources. To learn the best type of system for your home, get in touch with Stewart Well Drilling at 724-658-4488.

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

Water Well Drilling FAQs for New Castle, Pennsylvania Homeowners


Water well drilling isn’t a simple project that you complete on a whim. There is a lot of time and planning that goes into drilling for wells here in New Castle, and many homeowners have questions about the process at hand. Here are a few of the most frequently asked question on residential water well drilling:


Where Should I Drill for Water?


When it comes to water well drilling, there isn’t a one-size-fits all answer to this question. There are numerous factors involved when it comes to drilling for water at a residence here in New Castle. There needs to be precise geological conditions for groundwater to exist.


You’ll need an experienced field representative, such as those at Stewart Well Drilling, to have an understanding of the local geology. This gives you the best chance to locate water underground.


How is underground water detected?


Detecting underground water can also be a complex process. You’ll need to know the type of rocks that exist beneath your property and the direction of dip. Some rocks are known to be good producers of water, where other types will not hold water.


The dip of rocks can help identify groundwater flow and potential water recharge areas. Aerial photos may also be used to reveal the presence of fracture zones in bedrock.


However, an experienced driller such as Stewart Well Drilling will typically know if the rocks in your land will produce useful quantities of water. Be sure to work with a drilling company understands the principles of groundwater flow.

How Much Water is Needed for My Home?


According to The USGS Water Science School, the average person uses between 80-100 gallons of water per day. The same source also indicates that the largest use of household water is toilet flushing, next to showers and baths.


When you think about how much water is needed, you’ll need to consider water usage from washing clothes to brushing your teeth.


Stewart Well Drilling can help homeowners determine how much water is necessary to drill a well on your land. If you have more questions about the well drilling process or need professional assistance, contact us today by calling 724-658-4488 or e-mailing

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

The Elements of Efficient Cooling Systems in Cranberry, Pennsylvania

Are you looking to make your home cooler this upcoming summer? Cranberry, Pennsylvania has an average temperature of 83 degrees in July and 82 degrees in August. It comes as no surprise that the average homeowner is looking to beat the heat this summer, but not every system will give the best bang for your buck in terms of energy savings.

There are a lot of cooling systems available for homeowners around Cranberry. However, the truth is that a geothermal unit is one of the best options to cool down your home this summer.

This is how geothermal cooling systems will lower your utility bills while keeping your home more comfortable:

The Temperature Below the Earth’s Surface

Many people don’t think twice about the temperature beneath their feet. However, this is one of the keys to keeping your home cool with a geothermal cooling system. Ground temperatures lag three months behind the temperature of the air below 5 feet. That means when it’s scorching hot here in Cranberry during the month of July, the ground temperature is closer to April’s moderate temperatures.

Deeper underground, the earth remains at a consistent temperature. Geothermal cooling gives us access to these desirable temperatures, making it more efficient to cool your home during the summer than ever before.

How Can Geothermal Cool Your Home?

The truth is that geothermal cooling systems can cool your home much more efficiently than a traditional HVAC. By using the sources from the Earth such as water and consistent ground temperature, you’ll find that your home stays at just the right temperature even during the warmest days here in Cranberry.

How does the geothermal pump keep your home cool? It uses water returning from the ground to create a dehumidified air conditioning for your home. Best of all, this method consumes substantially less energy and easily rejects the heat from your home back into the ground—which is a much more cost effective solution than traditional HVAC.

Simply put, you won’t find a better cooling system than with geothermal heating and cooling from Stewart Well Drilling. These systems are designed to heat and cool your home for years. Although they cost more upfront than a traditional HVAC system, it’s hard to beat the energy saving capabilities of geothermal cooling systems.

If you’re ready to put an end to skyrocketing utility bills and keep your home cool once and for all, reach out to Stewart Well Drilling for a consultation at 724-658-4488.

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

Should You Install a New Central Cooling System for Your Home in Cranberry, Pennsylvania?

With the hot Pennsylvania summer approaching, now is the time to think about your existing central cooling system. No one wants to invest the money to replace their central a/c until it’s necessary, but hanging on to your outdated system may be costing you more money in the long run. So how do you know when it’s time to upgrade?

Consider the Age of your System

The average lifespan of a traditional central cooling system is approximately 10-15 years. However, with if your unit is approaching the decade mark it is most certainly not one of the more energy efficient models available. Also factor in the repair costs for slow leaks, refrigerant loss or compressor problems. Upgrading your system may prove to save you more money than hanging onto your old unit a few more years.

Watch your Thermostat

When the dog days of summer hit, is your central air struggling to keep up? Do you notice your unit running more often or does your home never get quite as cool as it used to? When your central cooling system nears the end, not only is your family uncomfortable but your wallet will be too. Pushing your system to last just a couple more years can cost you big bucks and leaving sticky and uncomfortable when the hottest days hit.

When it’s Time to Replace

Once you’ve decided to replace or upgrade you central cooling system it’s important to know all of your options. It’s tempting to go with a low-end model, but it’s important to understand that saving money upfront can lead to big energy costs in the future. Consider investing in a high efficiency system such as a geothermal heating and cooling system. It uses the earth’s natural insulation to heat and cool your home naturally, which can save you up to 80% in energy costs for years to come. It’s safe, quiet, easy to maintain and environmentally friendly. Call Stewart Well Drilling, conveniently located near Cranberry, PA, to further discuss how geothermal is the ideal cooling system for your home.

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

Is Geothermal Heating and Cooling a Good Investment in 2018?

Homeowners from New Castle to Oil City are looking for ways to save energy in 2018. If your New Year’s resolution involves saving money or simply increasing the performance of your home, geothermal heating and cooling is an ideal upgrade in 2018 and beyond.

Why Should Homeowners Choose Geothermal Heating and Cooling?

Geothermal heating isn’t a new concept. In fact, it uses the same 100-year-old technology that’s found in your refrigerator. However, this doesn’t mean this technology is too old to keep homes warm in the winter.

This style of heating and cooling has numerous benefits. It’s most known for using little-to-no energy to heat the home. The secret behind this is an underground pump that extracts energy from the ground and uses it to heat the home. This almost eliminates the need to use energy to heat the home, and therefore lowering the cost of your utility bills.

Another benefit is that geothermal systems are quiet. They do not require the same style of installation as a traditional heating system. You’ll hardly ever know the unit is there until you hear the soft sound of heat blowing through your vents.

Geothermal heating units also lower your carbon footprint. They rely on renewable energy sourced directly from the earth. They are also safe, since they do not use any combustion gases, toxic fumes, or carbon monoxide.

Switching from HVAC to Geothermal

If you’re thinking about making the switch from traditional HVAC to geothermal, Stewart Well Drilling can help homeowners throughout Oil City, New Castle, Youngstown, and the surrounding areas.

Homeowners who make the switch can experience lower utility bills and a more comfortable home. To learn more about using geothermal to heat and cool your home this year, contact Stewart Well Drilling today.

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

How to Keep Your Energy Bill in Check with Heating and Cooling in Oil City, PA

If your energy bills are skyrocketing and you can’t seem to keep any money in your bank account, one of the biggest culprits boils down to your heating and cooling systems. Homeowners all over Oil City, Pennsylvania depend on efficient heating and cooling techniques to keep their energy bills low—but the reality is that their HVAC systems often fall short.

Here are a few ways to keep your energy bill affordable throughout every season in Oil City, PA:

Consider Replacing Your HVAC System if it’s Over 10 Years Old

If your HVAC system is older than 10 years, it might be time for an upgrade. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to turn to another HVAC system to lower your utility bills.

Geothermal units are one of the best heating and cooling systems available in Oil City, PA. They cost more up front, but their energy saving capabilities are substantial compared to even the most efficient HVAC systems on the market.

Eliminate Drafts in the Home

Drafty windows and doors can take a toll on your energy bill, regardless if you’re using geothermal or a traditional HVAC system. Check for drafts around your windows and doors with your hand, or light an incense stick near the area where you suspect you’re losing energy. If you see movement in the smoke, this is a sign that you’re losing energy.

You generally have two options if you’re facing drafty windows and doors: new caulking and weatherstripping, or total replacement. The best option depends on the age of your doors and windows along with your budget.

Don’t Depend on Your Thermostat

One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is relying too much on their thermostat. While the idea is to regulate indoor temperature, non-programmable thermostats can ultimately cost you more money in the long run.

The truth is that the best way to maximize your energy savings is by investing in geothermal heating and cooling. These units are designed to use energy existing within the earth and transfer it into your home. This works for both heating and cooling, and it’s certain to have a big impact on your energy bills following installation.

If 2017 is the year that you plan to ditch your HVAC system, contact Stewart Well Drilling to learn more about geothermal heating and cooling in Oil City, PA.

By Stewart Drilling LLC 10 Jan, 2018

How to Choose a Well Drilling Contractor in Oil City, Pennsylvania

When you're looking to drill a new residential well at your home in Oil City, you'll likely do a quick search for a well drilling contractor in the area. While this can certainly be an effective method for finding a well drilling contractor, it may cause more headaches and hassle than you'd expect.

This is because there are quite a few water well drilling services available around Oil City. The key is to find a reputable contractor who won't empty your bank account in order to complete the project. The good news is that there are several ways that you can find the right well drilling contractor for your project, while getting your residential water well installed quickly and efficiently.

Here are a few things that you need to know when you are looking for well drillers in Oil City:

Getting an Estimate

The first step that you need to do is get estimates for your well. It's a good idea that you get at least three bids from different well contractors. It's also very important that you get your bid in writing. Be sure the three estimates contain similar materials, services, and guarantees.

Keep in mind that the lowest bid isn't necessarily the best bargain. Once you decide on your well drilling contractor the next step is to obtain a written contract. You should also request and itemized breakdown of services so that you know exactly what you are paying for.

What Should Your Well Drilling Costs Include?

If you do receive a quote with itemized charges, here are a few things that the list should include:

  • The cost of drilling per foot as well as the cost of casing per foot
  • Cost of material such as drive shoe, grout, and well cap
  • Cost of other operations such as test pumping and disinfection
  • Cost of drilling deeper than initially planned—this may be necessary to ensure an adequate water supply

Aside from cost, there are other considerations that you should keep in mind when finding your new well drilling contractor. For example, the contractor should be familiar with the rules and construction standards around Oil City PA.

You should also find out how long the company has been in business and if they have experience with drilling wells in this area. It's also important to know if the well contractor has the right equipment—which is in good condition—to get the job done.

If you were looking for trusted in reputable residential well drilling, contact Stewart Well Drilling today for your cost estimate.

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